Thursday, August 30, 2007


This is an extract of a mail i had recieved from a teammate -- a matter very delicately and beautifully put made an impact on many, surely a pleasure to see so many people switching their computers off before leaving for the day. Here it goes :

Usually, I’m the first person to enter the module. My first glance inside is depressing. I see a lot of monitors flashing the beautiful screensavers (The point being waste of energy). As an educated citizen of the world, with the power of network at my disposal, I feel empowered to bring about a change in our outlook, for the common good. Today, I have penned down my feelings on that subject.
I believe that if this trickles down to all channels through you, the desired impact is achievable.

Ladies and Gentlemen:
We all have been reading about the nuclear deal and have formed our own set of opinions about it. Supporters of the nuclear deal primarily lend voice to our power generation needs and implicitly, about our appropriate utilization of what (energy) is produced. A broader aspect of the problem would lead us to the burning issue of Global Warming. One glance at the pertinent statistics would be enough to elicit a SOS call. Is anybody listening? And if one is, can one help!

The premise here is that we are concerned with what happens to our world, to our country & to us. If that were to be so, then, given a chance, we should be able to translate the thought into action. The actions were never going to be complex maneovers; neither were they going to entail giving up of our comforts, nor our precious time. Computers, all over the world, arguably, are believed to consume about 10% of the total energy produced in the world today. And we, simply by putting off our monitors in non working hours can cut it down to half i.e. 5 % - As a matter of fact, India’s energy production(electricity ) is less than 5 % of that of the world.

The above hypothesis, I wonder, deserves the sanctity of our action. Mine, alone is insufficient. We need the country to be sensitized on this issue, lest it were to assume monstrous proportions (which it will for the future generation). I solemnly urge you to think about it & commit yourself to the cause.
I, for one, will expect a lot of taunting reminder mails the day I fail to fulfill my commitment.

Thank You”

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