Monday, March 17, 2008

Space Matters....

We all need our space, the space where we can create our own cocoon to recoup. And when one half of a couple calls to be left alone, it’s nothing to do with the rest half of the couple. It actually might just not have anything to do with you. In fact, sometimes we need to be left alone to sort things out and straighten them, which have apparently gone wrong.

But, what happens is on such a note is that you never take it the way they actually mean you to take it. Your ego gets hurt and you try to confront the person on what has happened. Any finally this confrontation itself blocks the remaining space and the matter escalates to hurt feelings and disagreement.

It is a mere act of insecurity not to let your loved one have their space. This would lead to feelings and thoughts those are not healthy.

To be seen, a relationship is about giving, and most important thing to be given to your loved one is the gift of space. Respecting the boundaries set by one and following its limits. But yes not forgetting to jump inside the boundary once in a while, helps. If we can allow this without been threatened and the other person does not feel guilty for having the alone time would allow it to be a positive experience for both which in end will serve to strengthen the relationships rather than diminish it.

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