Monday, March 17, 2008

Lets Talk . . .

"The more we live by our intellect, the less we understand the meaning of life." - Leo Tolstoy

With the entire technology boom and the race to invent most efficient ways of communication, we apparently are loosing the ways of effective communication. Communications devices like iPhone and Blackberrys have become a part of our lifestyle, but are we ever able to really justify its use in the right way?
Let’s see how good are we at communication. How many times do you get up in the meeting to actually take a call? How many times a day do you really delete an e-mail without even reading it?

The whole point is not about one using the communication device to communicate to others, the problem is when it’s the time for him to listen. Actually, we are becoming worse listeners by the day. It is not easy to listen to people. Really listening means giving someone your full attention but how does one pay attention with their cell phone ringing, SMS’s flying in every direction, email downloading by the truckload?

We have set us in the pace for mastering the art of communications but all we mastered was art of technology, nothing else. But yes, we yet keep inventing new ways to communicate.

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