Sunday, October 7, 2007

The only constant is change

All of us in the software industry are very aware of this concept, we live and breathe it.

The software business has got to be one of the most dynamic of careers, and I say that with the utmost of pride and contempt. All the technology changing like a roller coaster and all of us trying to run with it. Especially due to the super competitive environment, its all what is required to let this industry grow.

There are times that people successfully are able to really ace the technology only to find that the industry has moved on and the technology has changed considerably or the problem set itself has changed. Software developers have a rather daunting task keeping up with all of the technologies that they are supposed to be using.

When I had joined this job, and on the orientation day I was told that they look for “Life long learners”. I used to wonder do I really need to sit and study all over again even after having a difficult time at college, and yes it was true, learning here never stops. There is not a single day that I walk out of office without learning something new. And this is the only thing which is making me tolerate this kind of work.

Anyways lucky to be, I am working in a technology which hasn’t changed since in about 30 years. Its not that there is nothing to learn, there is, a lot of it. Vision plus or as in mainframes is an ocean of knowledge and no one can master it. It is just that I am a small fish in this huge ocean, and surely this being a challenge to dog paddle in these vague waters, it somehow feels good to learn something for real for the first time in my life.

Not the one who has been or can be a technical person for long while, am just waiting for the right time to let see where the waves take me.

And yes one thing that I am sure, that here or not – one this that is not going to stop is learning. As the only constant is change.

Quote Unquote

"The only constant is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be."
— Isaac Asimov

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