Thursday, November 15, 2007

When Counting Sheep Fails

I should add that how much I like sleeping on a few occasions. But sometimes I find that when it is time for me to hit the sack, my mind starts running berserk. It is amazing where your mind can wander when you are ready to sleep. Sometimes, I replay things from office or at other moments, I replay things from school in my head. All the while I am just laying there thinking "shut up!", but it wont.

Though its not that bad, the thoughts I mean. They are pretty good and even helps me in many ways. But its just that if I really use up my beauty sleep for it, all what happens is that I end up with dark circles, dull faced, and being inefficient at work and that’s surely not good.

Even counting sheep hasn’t helped much. Its been quite irritating sometimes. Its something so much of an involuntary thing that I wanted to overcome.

Anyway, last night, despite my attempt at getting to sleep early so that I was bright eyed and bushy tailed for the long day of work plus a party to end the day with, I was kept awakened till about an hour from when I hit the bed.

What to do???

Monday, November 5, 2007

I'm not blaming you;I know you have it in you to make that change!! :)

I travel a lot and by lot I mean really lots. Everyday its about 50-60 Kms of travel for me, from my house at Begumpet to office at Gachibowli and these places are really far apart. I mean if you need to see both the places in Google Maps then you will really need to zoom out. And really this is not an easy part of otherwise very tough day.

Lets talk a little of Hyderabad and its people first. Here we have a city with an attitude "Jo bhi hone do, apun ko kya". A laid back city which still lives in yesteryears. A city which is still trying to adapt to technology and future. Not up with today's infrastructure not even with the thought of future. Now what happens when in a city like this people come out to race to their destinations. Havoc!!!

On my way, that is 25 Kms one way, I encounter so many encounters. Bike walas (Already late to office try driving their no way out of traffic) , Auto walas (Which run through the traffic like cockroaches run through the cracks),RTC Buses (Don’t even talk about them, everyone jus knows), Dump Trucks (Heavy with tons of load, still prefer the mid lane), and our own company transport buses (Just making up for the lost time in traffic).

Bumper to Bumper is what we call this traffic. And this is not because the number of vehicles are too many on road. No, this is very much expected from a city like Hyderabad, but the reason for it is inadequate traffic awareness. It has become a necessity for the drivers to follow the traffic rules, cos hereby a small mistake can create a jam as much as for 2 Kms. I wouldn’t just blame this onto the citizens alone. It is that that government has provided us with a infrastructure which is far more inferior than what is needed.

For example, jus recently we has some flyovers opened for public, but can anyone answer that till what extent has this solved our problems? I guess instead of solving them, it has made it worse, even at about 10 at night when I come back from office I see the flyovers jammed where without them there was free flowing traffic. Hope the government realizes the concept of bottleneck soon.

From encroachment of the roads by illegal properties, bad roads, not much of a useful infrastructure, to bad driving skills, Bad Parking, Red Light Jumping – everything leads to snail pace traffic movement. This is increasing the burden on already irritated citizen who works hard whole day and wants to reach back home at the earliest. We can just hope that atleast from the governments end, it is able to take care of this situation. But we must not forget our resposibilities to behave with and abide traffic rules.